Monday, October 3, 2011

Quelques photos :)

Our apartment building! We live in #10, the top left hand unit. The metal grate things slide to cover up the orange windows- très moderne!
The dining room...

La cuisine...

View from 1 of our 2 (!!!) balconies!
Ma chambre! for those of you who have been in my room over the past 4 years, you now know that I haven't gotten any new posters&things for a long while :) I rather like having one set of decorations to put up no matter where I am, be it Grinnell, or Kansas City, or Tergnier; it makes it easier to make a place my own.
The view from my very large bedroom window, and a tiny plant that I bought at a floriste.

French toilet paper is awesome. My options in Auchan were this pack, or hot pink. Luckily I chose this pack- one roll has hangers that say "Do Not Disturb," another has a floral pattern, another has ornate urns on it, and then there are my two personal favorites: one is scrawled with complicated-looking math equations, and the other has really gross bugs on it? A mosquito, a house fly, and a cockroach for example.

Bisous! xxx


  1. I also apologize for not knowing how to upload photos in a way that is readable. I'm sure you can figure out which photos go with which captions though, you're all bright people!

  2. Please add bug toilet paper to your shopping list for us...

  3. Love the toilet paper. You may be coming home with lots of rolls to distribute. Glad you are doing well. Will keep track of you from the blog posts. Sending hugs and kisses, your adopted mother, Reuben
